08/10/2024중등부 수련회
08/10/2024개강: 9/13(금) 7:45-9:30 pm 매주 금요일 비전센터
대상: 3세 – 5학년
회비: $100 (책, 유니폼 포함)
등록기간: 8/11-8/25 (정원 차면 조기 마감)
온라인 링크: bit.ly/4c8cP3f
어와나 봉사자 구함 *봉사자 자녀는 회비 면제
문의: 유남이 집사 Arumdaun.Awana@gmail.com
개강: 9/13(금) 7:45-9:30 pm 매주 금요일 비전센터
대상: 3세 – 5학년
회비: $100 (책, 유니폼 포함)
등록기간: 8/11-8/25 (정원 차면 조기 마감)
온라인 링크: bit.ly/4c8cP3f
어와나 봉사자 구함 *봉사자 자녀는 회비 면제
문의: 유남이 집사 Arumdaun.Awana@gmail.com
Founded in 1950 in a Chicago church, Awana is a ministry that helps children from ages 2 through 18 grow strongly in faith. The name AWANA comes from the phrase “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” from 2 Timothy 2:15. The goal of Awana is to help children discover more about God through memorizing the Word of God: Bible memorization is the heart of the program.
Download Awana Registration Form and Bring in on a Friday Meeting
Important Dates:
Good things to know before coming to Awana:
I pledge allegiance to the Awana flag which stands for the Awana clubs whose goal is to reach boy and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.
I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I may not sin against God.
Firmly Awana stands, led by the Lord’s commands, “Approved workmen are not ashamed.” Boys and girls for His service claimed! Hail! Awana! On the march for youth; Hail! Awana! Holding forth the truth. Building lives on the Word of God Awana stands! Our Savior following with steps unfaltering, and love unfaltering, His praise we sing, His banner over us, in service glorious, we’ll fight victorious for Christ our King! YOUTH ON THE MARCH!
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
Awana Cubbies Club Theme Song with Lyrics
(Click to Watch)
Awana Sparks Club Theme Song with Lyrics
(Click to Watch)
1 Arumdaun Street, Bethpage, NY 11714
Tel: (516) 349-5559 • Email: info@arumdaunchurch.org
1 Arumdaun Street, Bethpage, NY 11714