Our APC Mommy & Me program focuses on different themes from the Bible such as the Creation, the fruit of the Spirit, and many more. We incorporate arts and crafts and fun games with the theme of the day to help young children and their caregivers learn more about Jesus Christ.



  • Spring Semester: March – May

  • Fall Semester: September – November

  • Duration: 10 Weeks (every Thursday, once a week)

  • Location: Arumdaun Church – Vision Center

  • Times: 10:30am – 12:00pm

  • Price: $20 per semester

  • Capacity: 24 students per semester


*Please make all checks payable to “APC Mommy and Me.”

**Please be advised there will be NO REFUNDS available once payments have been received.



We request that you arrive on time for our program. Our program will start at 10am. Prompt arrival means your child will get the most out of the Mommy & Me program experience.

We have movement and arts and crafts classes each week. Please dress your child in a comfortable shoes and clothing keeping in mind that he/she may get messy.

Please leave all toys at home. Children often have a hard time sharing the toys they bring from home.

Please stay with your children at all times. For the safety of your child and other children at the program, you must be aware of your child’s actions and whereabouts during the program.

If your child is having difficulties adjusting to the program, please talk to your child outside of the classroom and return once your child has calmed down.

Going Green! God told us to “rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground (NIV Gen. 1:28).”

Because we love God and all the creatures he made, APC Mommy & Me is taking baby steps to save the environment by cutting use of plastic cups, straws, and baby wipes. So, please bring your own water bottle or reusable cup to Mommy & Me class.

Snow day – In most cases, our program follows Bethpage school district cancellation. However, if most other school districts are closed, we will have no choice but to cancel class for that day.

Illness policy – Please keep your child home if your child has any of the following:

  • Fever of 100F or higher

  • Vomiting

  • Persistent diarrhea

  • Excessive coughing

  • Runny nose

  • Pinkeye

  • Unexplained rashes

  • Covid

* When children have any of the above symptoms, they should not come to program. If you are not sure whether your child should come to program, please email for advice.



CONTACT / 참여문의

(516) 349-5559

담당: 박선자 전도사

We’ll be with you

아름다운교회는 여러분과 함께합니다. 기도제목이나 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 연락주세요.