| 여름학교 |

APC Summer Camp’s goal is to share the gospel with children and families, prepare academically for the next grade, nurture healthy and Christ-centered relationships with friends and staff, and lastly, to smile, and have fun!

Online registration for Summer Camp 2025  is available, February 2025

*Church members may register in-person on 2/16/25 and 2/23/25 at the church main lobby between 9:00AM-1:00PM for both dates. Online registrations for non-members will be on 2/24/25 at 8pm sharp. Special registration accommodations will not be provided.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.


(Rising Nursery to Kinder: Ages 3-6)

July 7–August 8th

(5 Weeks)

Note: All nursery students must be potty-trained. Otherwise, we will have to cancel your registration and return your check(s).


(Rising Grades 1-8)

July 7–August 8th

(5 Weeks)

Mini Camp Schedule

(Nursery - Kindergarten)


 8:50 - 9:15 AM
Arrival / Morning Activity

9:20 - 9:40 AM
Worship & Praise

9:45 - 10:05 AM

10:10 - 11:30 AM
Bible Lessons & Snacks & Activities

11:35 - 12:10 PM

12:15 - 1:00 PM

1:05 - 2:10 PM
Nap Time (for Nursery & Pre K only)

2:10 - 2:35 PM
Snack & Pack Up

2:40 - 3 PM
Closing Service & Dismissal

* Schedule may vary for different classes.

Big Camp Schedule

(Grades 1-8)


9 AM –   9:40 AM
Worship & Praise

9:40 AM – 10:20AM
Subject studies

10:20AM – 10:40AM

10:40AM – 11:20 AM
Subject studies

11:20AM – 11:30 AM
Moving time

11:30 - 12:30 PM
Lunch / Recess

12:30 - 1:10  PM
Activity 1

1:10 - 1:50 PM
Activity 2

1:50 - 2:20 PM
Activity 3

2:20 - 2:30 PM
Pack Up

2:30 - 3:00 PM
Praise & Dismissal



5 week program /per child

*Additional cost for Tech Elective


4 week program /per child

*Additional cost for Tech Elective


This year Early Drop-Off and Aftercare services will be provided for Mini and Big Camp. Please be mindful that there are limited spots available for these services. We ask that you only enroll your children if these services are a necessity for them to attend camp.

Early Drop-Off for enrolled students
(between 8:00am-8:45am)

4 weeks: $260/child
5 weeks: $300/child

If you would like to drop your child off early (between 8:00am-8:45am), you MUST sign up your child for early drop off. Children will be provided with a light breakfast and supervision. Camp doors will be open for ALL STUDENTS at 8:50am. Students dropped off before camp begins may not stay in the lobby unattended and will be charged for the day.

Aftercare for enrolled students

4 weeks: $400/child
5 weeks: $500/child

If you are unable to pick-up your child at regular dismissal time, aftercare is available from 3:00pm-5:30pm. Children will have a time for snack but it must be provided from home.


Why is Summer Camp Only 5 Weeks This Year?

  • This year, our summer camp schedule has been adjusted to accommodate the longer school year, our Church's Vacation Bible School (VBS) schedule, and the Fourth of July holiday. As a result, we will be kicking off camp on July 7, ensuring a focused and impactful experience for all students and attendees.

Summer Camp Pricing Update:

  • To provide your children with the highest-quality summer camp experience, we’ve made some exciting improvements! This year, we’re proud to include even more certified teachers as part of our staff, offering an enhanced educational experience. Additionally, we’ve invested in quality hot meals and top-tier materials to enrich the program. These upgrades ensure your child enjoys a safe, engaging, and memorable summer!

Are you accepting high school students?

  • This year we will not be accepting high school students in rising grades 9-12 as summer camp students. 


Teaching/administrative staff's children may apply as junior volunteers. This applies to rising 9th-grade students only. Please contact the camp administration for more information. Limited space is available.



  • FULL REFUND - Cancel by April 6, 2025, you will receive a Full Refund.
  • 50% REFUND - Cancel by April 27, 2025, you will receive a 50% refund.
  • 25% REFUND - Cancel by May 11, 2025,  you will receive a 25% refund.
  • NO REFUNDS after May 11, 2025. 

We apologize for the inconvenience; however, all payments will be considered final and non-refundable on the first day of summer camp.

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


CONTACT / 참여문의

OFFICE / 교회 사무실:
(516) 349-5559


We’ll be with you

아름다운교회는 여러분과 함께합니다. 기도제목이나 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 연락주세요.